Mail order pages at Mail Order
Detailed information on products below. See below for detailed information.
(Wallys)Ocean Solids for all your trace elements
(Wallys)Super Neem Tree Oil The biggest break through on organic insect control.
(Wallys)Neem Tree Granules & Powder
(Wallys)Raingard a must for all garden sprays
(Wallys)Perkfection for Roses and other Plants. Safe to use disease control
(Wallys)Mycorrcin Plus for healthier gardens
(Wallys)BioPhos Organic replacement for Super (Wallys)Potassium Permanganate
PROBLEMS WITH CATS? no more with this simple to use and safe product.
(Wallys)Stump Rotter & Super Stump Rotter
Tap Filter to remove chlorine from hose lines
(Wallys)Moss and Liverwort control
BOOKS written by Wally Richards:
Wallys Down to Earth Gardening Guide
Wallys Green Tips for Gardeners
Health Products:
Otherwise Orders to Garden Enterprises Ltd,
P.O. Box 489
Palmerston North.
Further information or phone orders at 0800 466464
Fax at 0800 466 463
Physcial address...147 Benmore Ave Palmerston North
Normal receipt of goods within 7 days of receiving order and cheque.
All goods are availble on line at
Wally Richards.
Here is a copy of an artticle I wrote in October 2009 with the information from NZFSA web site NZFSA Information 2009
I beleive this oil is a major break through for gardeners. Safe and effective. Wally Richards
To find out more about Neem Tree Oil goto: Neem Oil click here for articles written by Wally Richards
Avaiulable in 125 ml bottle of Super NEEM Tree Oil
250ml , 1 litre, 5 litres and 20 litres
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
For more information go here
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Now we have Neem Granules which are Neem Tree Kernals, which have been crushed into granules.
All so Wallys Neem Tree Powder
Great Soil Conditioner and NPK 5.1.1
In the garden soil they have an expected life time of up to 3 months.
In potting mix in containers about 6 months.
The Granules/powder are used at the rate of 50-100 grams per square metre of soil. 50 grams to 50 litres of potting mix for containers.
The Neem Tree Powder are used for lawns and general use
and placing under plants at planting time. Also under seed potatoes etc.
The Neem Granules are ideal for under trees and shrubs..
Granules are Available in 750 gram containers
Large size ( 1.8 Kg)
Note we also do a 3Kg bags 10Kg Bags and 20Kg bags either the granulkes or the powder(phone 0800 466464 to order
Place an order on line at Order Here
The natural way to control soil insects in lawns and gardens
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
The Sticky Whitefly Traps imported from America can catch whitefly, leaf miners, winged aphids and psyllid adults. These are yellow strips 78mm wide and 125mm long which can be hung near plants you wish to protect.
The special colour of the strips are a lure to a number of insect pests on the wing and because of the very sticky nature of the traps, they are stuck for good.
The traps come in a pack of 5 and can be used indoors, outdoors and in glass houses to advantage as a first line of defence.
I placed a couple of Sticky Whitefly Traps in my glasshouses a few weeks ago and it is interesting to see all the different types of insects that they have caught.
Packs of the Sticky Whitefly Traps (5 per pack) are available
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
REVOLUTIONARY SPRAY ON FROST PROTECTION PLUS AN ANTI-TRANSPIRANT/ STRESS GAURD Available in 100 ml bottles or 250 ml bottlesTo top of page.
Click here for infromation about MBL
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Not to be used with other sprays except for Raingard.
Place an order on line at Order Here
(Wallys)BioPhos Organic replacement for Super phosphate
Bio Certified more details at BioPhos Info.
Available in 1300 gram jar
and 3Kg jar
Plus a 12Kg bulk bag Plus Freight to your home.
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Enhances soil life, builts up humus in soil, supplies wide range of minerals, organic.
See Click here
1 Kg jar
3 Kg Jar
12 Kg bag plus shipping to your home
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
An organic product which promotes beneficial microbes to assist in the composting of organic matter into humus.
Stimulates Mycorrhizal fungi which act as an extension to the plant's roots assisting in the collection of nutrients and moisture.
Improves calcium uptake, stimulates the growth of feeder roots and microbes responsible for mineralization.
Improving Calcium availability and uptake. Inhibits soil pathogens, containing defense proteins such as bacteriocin like substances which inhibit soil pathogens. Promotes balanced growth of both roots and canopy.
Can increase your strawberry crop by 200 to 400%
This is a product that is going to change your garden into a great garden and save you money in sprays and fertilisers.
250 Ml bottle
500 Ml bottle and a 1 litre container
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
(Wallys)Thatch Busta
Do not apply directly on soil where food crops are to be grown, use lids to sit the crystals on.
It will not harm plants or soil and over a period of time evaporates completely.
The product should be sprinkled over areas that the cats are
damaging or fouling.
This may include door ways, sheds, glasshouses as well as gardens.
The product should be re-applied until the animals habits are changed.
It is advisable to protect other likely areas while the animals are establishing new patterns.
I have being selling this product to gardeners for over 27 years and never have heard a word of complaint over that time.
One elderly gentleman actually used the product to keep his cat
from visiting a neighbours house as they used to catch the cat
and lock it indoors for days.
The product was sprinkled between the sections and his cat would
not venture across its line.
Child resistant container,
400 gram jar
Order by phone 0800466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
To top of page.
Order by phone 0800466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
WALLY'S SECRET TOMATO FOOD WITH NEEM TREE GRANULES Feed and protect your plants against insect pests at the same time.
750 Gram jar or 2 Kg jar
Order by phone 0800466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
To top of page.
This is a special food for cucumbers and other cubits such as pumpkins, melons, squash, gherkins, zucchini and gourds.
‘Cucumber Booster’ contains the two high nitrogen components in the right proportions for making up this liquid food.
Comprising of two parts Sulphate of Ammonia and one part Potassium Nitrate.
Mixed at these rates it has a final NPK of 18.5:0:13. Used to boost growth of any of the above mentioned plants, making for more growth and higher yielding crops.
Cucumber Booster 300 gram jar, makes 120 Litres of food
Order by phone 0800466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
1300 grams Jar of Ocean Solids
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Minerals from the Ocean
Imported from USA, the most effective bird deterrent we have found to date.
The metallic ribbon has holograms imprintwed for maximum light reflection.
Comes in a 150 metres roll, .
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Complete Housing with Filter
To order phone 0800 466464
Extra filters also available
Phone 0800 466464 to order
Place an order on line at Order Here
For the control of moss, liverworts,(at 25 to 50mls per litre) lichen, slimes and algae (at 10 to 20ml per litre).
500 ml bottle
200 ml bottle
Phone 0800 466464 to order
Place an order on line at Order Here
What a little gem this book is. If you’re my type of gardener – one who doesn’t know diatomaceous earth from his dolomite – this book is an absolute must. And if you’re already gloriously green fingered, it will serve as a handy resource to quick-reference for unexpected queries or problems.
I’ve been completely won over by Wally Richards’s user friendly approach. He’ll tell you only what you need to know, when you need to know it. There’ll be no confusing floral-speak here, no unwanted weeds in this bed of information. It’s inspired me to look over the fences everywhere, and almost instantly know exactly Wally-ism to apply. If you don’t need it for yourself, then this little book will almost certainly make a perfect gift for someone you know.
Viv Posselt (Former editor Tribune Palmerston North)
The book is A5 size with a soft,hard cover and 340 pages of information.
$28.95 for autographed copy. Price includes postage in New Zealand.
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
160 pages of information and tips for both new gardeners and the more experienced.
CHAPTER ONE: Getting Started; A great reason for people to become gardeners; Global warming and your garden; About Worms; Chlorine (in our water); Fluorine (In our water)
CHAPTER TWO: Planting; Spring Planting; Tips on planting Vegetables; The cost of growing your own Vegetables and Fruit
CHAPTER THREE: Pests in the Garden; Tips on control of common pests
CHAPTER FOUR: Plant Diseases; Wet feet; Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy You
CHAPTER FIVE: Your Health; Wheat Grass Juice; Cutting and Juicing Wheat Grass; MSM (Pure organic Sulphur)
CHAPTER SIX: General Gardening Tips
CHAPTER SEVEN: Quick Tips; Worms and Worm Farming; Chickens and Gardens; Gardening Terms A to Z; Gardening Products from Garden Enterprises Ltd
Price $22.00 for an autographed copy free post in NZ.
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
112 pages on how to easily grow fruit and vegetables, full of nutritional goodness and to obtain the maximum benefits from your produce for your body.
CHAPTER EIGHT: MSM (Pure Organic Sulphur)
Price $20.00 for autographed copy free post in New Zealand.
To order phone 0800 466464
Place an order on line at Order Here
Orders to Garden Enterprises Ltd, P.O. Box 489 Palmerston North.
Fax 0800 466 463
Order on Line at
Normal receipt of goods within 7 days of receiving order and/or cheque.