Wonder Tree, More about the tree.
DISCLAIMER: Gardening information and articles found in these pages are written by Wally Richards (Gardening Columnist)
They are compiled from his own experiences gardening and information gathered from other gardeners over the years.
The articles may mention uses of gardening products that may or may not be registered for the purposes mentioned.
They are supplied for you to make your own personal judgements on their validity.
Wally Richards
If you have ideas that will also help other gardeners in their endeavors, please relay them to the writer.
Note in our mail order section you can buy Neem Oil for your own garden
The Neem tree has been known as the wonder tree for centuries in the Indian
It has become important in the global context today because it offers answers to
the major concerns facing mankind.
The neem tree should have been designed by celestial committee (maybe it was).
A collaboration of genetic engineers, chemical engineers, pharmacists,
agronomists, and dieticians could not have produced a more interesting, and some
say, valuable plant. I'll let you decide after giving a brief overview.
From the very beginning of recorded human history, people have used the
mysterious neem tree. Today, rural Indians call this tree their "village
pharmacy" because it "cures" diseases and disorders ranging from bad teeth and
bedbugs to ulcers and malaria. The seeds, bark and leaves contain compounds
called limonoids with proven antiseptic, antiviral, antipyretic,
anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and antifungal uses.
Neem, is a sturdy, broadleaved evergreen. In the seasonally dry hills of
central India, Azadirachta indica, is very much in existence with the people and
animals in villages and along roadsides. It will defoliate during periods of
extreme drought or freezing temperatures. Native to the dry forest areas of
India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Neem thrives in the dry areas of the tropics and
Environmentally, Neem has a reputation as a natural air purifier, exhaling out
oxygen and keeping the oxygen level in the atmosphere balanced. Neem's ability
to withstand extreme heat and water pollution is well known. It also helps to
improve fertility of the soil and to rehabilitate degraded wastelands.
The Neem tree can also play a vital role in controlling soil erosion, salination
and preventing floods. But Neem is far more than a tough tree that grows
vigorously in difficult sites. Among its many benefits, the one that is most
unusual and immediately practical is the control of pests. Some entomologists
now believe that Neem has such remarkable powers for controlling insects that it
will usher in a new era in safe, natural pesticides.
The ecosystem is a major issue on the global agenda and preserving the ecosystem
is a priority. A UN study predicts that by the year 2050, most of Asia and
Africa will be reduced to a dust bowl if we continue the way we are going.
Another study by FAO points out that some pests may soon be beyond control! Neem
seeds contains bio-active fractions that can help in pest management strategies
and help us save our environment. This bio-activity of Neem based products has
been extensively evaluated and proven. Because of the fear of toxic residues in
food products associated with the use of chemical pesticides, there is a growing
need for pest control agents of plant origin which do not leave any toxic
residues. Though many plant chemicals have been reported to be suitable for
this, Neem is the only plant from which the bio-pesticides are commercially
manufactured, found effective, eco-friendly and acceptable to commercial and
domestic gardeners. Neem pesticides are now increasingly used in India on crops
like cotton, vegetables, fruit trees, coffee, tea, rice and spices.
Today's exploding growth in human population is seriously depleting the world's
natural reserves and economic resources. Unless the run-away human population
growth rate is slowed down, there would be little hope for raising everyone out
of poverty in the developing world. Besides educational constraints, the
non-availability of inexpensive methods of contraception, which do not cause
trauma or aesthetic, cultural, and religious sensitivities of people, limit the
success of birth regulation programs. However recent findings indicate that
some Neem derivatives may serve as affordable and widely available
According to a recent report by the Washington based International Food Policy
Research Institute, by 2020, the world will be an even more unfair place than it
is at present, with food surpluses in the industrialized world and with chronic
instability and food shortages in the undeveloped countries, particularly in the
African countries.
By 2050, the scenario may become worse for food importing countries as with even
1 % growth in population levels, countries such as USA may cease to become food
exporting countries.
The US academy of sciences currently attaches very high importance to the Neem
tree. The United Nations declared Neem as the "Tree of the 21st century". All
these developments amply indicate the growing global importance of Neem.
Incidentally over 60% of the entire Neem tree population is in India.
Multitude of Uses and Remedies Include:
AIDS - The National Institutes of Health reports encouraging results as an AIDS
preventative and possible cure using neem extracts.
Allergies - Neem inhibits allergic reactions when applied externally or eaten.
Birth control (men) - In India and the United States, trials show neem extracts
reduced fertility in male monkeys without inhibiting libido or sperm production,
making it potentially the first male birth control pill.
Birth control (women) - Used as a vaginal lubricant, neem oil was up to 100
percent effective in preventing pregnancy.
Cancer/immune - Polysaccharides and limonoids found in neem bark, leaves, and
seed oil increased immune responses, reduced tumors and cancers without side
Diabetes - Oral doses of neem leaf extracts reduced insulin requirements by
between 30% and 50% for nonkeytonic, insulin fast and insulin-sensitive
External parasites - Neem quickly kills external parasites and a neem decoction
is safer and just as effective as standard treatments for head lice and scabies.
Heart disease - Neem delays the coagulation of blood, calms erratic heartbeats
and helps reduce elevated heart rates and high blood pressure.
Herpes - Recent tests in Germany show that neem extracts are toxic to the herpes
virus and can quickly heal cold sores.
Hepatitis - Tests in the U.S. show neem hampers the virus that causes hepatitis
Fungal toxin - Neem is toxic to several fungi which attack humans, including
those that cause athlete's foot and ringworm, and Candida, an organism that
causes yeast infections and thrush.
Insect repellent - Studies have shown that one neem compound is a more effective
insect repellent than the widely used synthetic chemical known as DEET
(N,N,-diethyl-m-toluamide), a suspected carcinogen with long periods of use.
Insecticide - Neem extracts have been approved by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency for use on food crops. It is non-toxic to birds, animals,
beneficial insects or man and protects crops from over 200 of the most costly
Malaria - An active ingredient in neem leaves, called irodin A, is toxic to
resistant strains of malaria.
Psoriasis - Neem seed oil and leaf extracts is suggested to be a cure for
psoriasis. It relieves the itching and pain while reducing the scale and redness
of the patchy lesions.
Periodontal disease control - German researchers have proven neem extracts
prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Soap/Shampoo - Neem oil soaps can be used to treat a variety of illnesses and
Ulcer relief - Neem extracts give significant protection from discomfort and
speed the healing of gastric problems.
Well what can one say? Is the Neem Tree going to be the salvation of the Planet?
Neem soap is available at Trade Aid shops and Neem as a Insecticide is now
available at many garden centres plus another Neem product is fixing head lice
in schools in the northern areas. So Neem is here and one could say:
"Neem is Clean, Green and Mean"
(Note much of the material above was gleaned off the Internet)
oooooTo top of Page
Neem Tree Oil is a natural product from the kernels of the Neem tree.
It is known to effect the natural life cycle of many insects by preventing them from passing to the next stage of their development. Thus nymphs cannot pass on to their next instar if they absorb Neem oil though contact or digestion. They then die.
Also it prevents a number of insect pests from eating once they have consumed some Neem Tree Oil that is on sprayed foliage.
It not known to affect beneficial insects so Ladybirds, bees etc are safe, even if they consume insects affected by Neem oil.
Being natural, Neem Oil is very safe to use but normal spray protection is advised as some people may have a reaction to the oil or smell. (this same product, I have been told, has been used effectively for head lice control in children)
TIPS FOR USE: In cold weather place the un-opened Neem Tree Oil bottle in a jug of hot water.
(The oil tends to solidify in cold weather) Shake bottle well before opening.
Using warm water in the spray mix is important to ensure it mixes well. Only spray at the end of the day when the sun has gone off the plants. Spray for total coverage of plants, under and over foliage.
Do not use in very hot, humid conditions as the oil may separate from the spray, in these conditions and cause blistering on plant’s foliage.
Being an oil it can burn or mark flowers or tender foliage, beware of this and test spray a sample before spraying all of a crop.
For General protection and control use at 5 mls per Litre, for bad infestations spray the first time at 10 mls per litre then followed a few days later at 5 mls per litre. Repeat till controlled.
Add Raingard to the mix at the rate of 1ml per litre of spray. This will assist in foliage penetration and prevent the oil from washing off when you water or it rains.
Neem oils are UV sensitive and the UV radiation will break down the active ingredients over time.
To extend the active life of the product add MBL Magic Botanic Liquid to the spray mix at 10 mls per litre of spray. The MBL will act as a sunscreen and benefit the health of the plants sprayed.
Use all spray made up within 24 hours of mixing or discard if not used. (It can keep longer but its effectiveness maybe reduced.)
Clean spray equipment out after use to prevent jet clogging. A norm rinse through with water and a spray of clean water will usually keep everything in order. Blocked jets or filters can be soaked in meths.
Store your bottle of Neem Tree Oil in a dark, cool place to ensure long shelf life.
Do not add to copper sprays as it will react will copper reducing effectiveness of both controls.
Neem Tree Oil is about the only thing that will control Leaf Hoppers, with regular spraying.
I have also had reports that it tends to keep possums away from gardens sprayed.
Neem Tree Oil is effective (to the best of my knowledge) against most garden insect pests and it also has some fungicide properties as well. It helps in control of black spot and rust and likely other plant diseases.
It can be used with “Perkfection for Roses” for best overall safe protection from both diseases and pests.
Use these three products together, Neem Tree Oil, Perkfection, MBL and Raingard. Note Perkfection is used only once a month but the other two maybe sprayed as required.
Do this and I think you should be very pleased with your roses and garden this season. From the feed-back from gardeners last season, it certainly makes for a better gardens and roses.
Neem Tree Oil not harm pets and wild life so can be safely used around your section.
If you have any questions please phone me at 0800 466464. Or SAE to Box 489 Palmerston North.
Happy and Safe Gardening
Wally Richards
Many gardeners have been enjoying the results of Neem Tree Oil their gardening.
Being organic, Neem has made spraying safer while taking care of most insect pests and a few diseases as well. Every few weeks further reports from gardeners, roll in tolling its virtues.
Roses that have been sprayed with Neem Oil and other safe products such as Perkfection and Mycorrcin Plus have never looked better with healthy foliage and lovely blooms.
My best report came from a lady who looks after 400 roses at a winery in the Marlborough Region and she told me that she had been using the Neem and the other products mentioned since the roses started sprouting in the spring. Visitors to the Winery are amazed at how healthy the roses are looking and all the staff at winery have had to be told the reason, so it can be passed on to all the inquiries the roses cause.
Now the Neem product called Neem Granules.
The granules are the crushed kernels of the Neem tree. They contain the Neem properties that make the insecticide control.
The Neem Pellets can be used for soil insects such as root mealy bugs, root nematodes, grass grubs, carrot flies etc.
As the granules break down the Neem properties are taken up through the roots of plants and will help to keep the plants healthier and pest free, through the systemic action. This can be used to advantage on tall trees and bushes where spraying is difficult.
It is a first line of defense against foliage attacking insects. Sprinkle the granules in the area between truck and drip line.
For use in container plants just sprinkle a table spoon (or more dependent on the size of the container) of Neem granules into the pot at potting up time or place the same on top of the mix. Very economical the recommend amount is 50 grams to 50 litres of potting mix. Cover granules with some potting mix as they go moldy as they break down making the container to look a bit unsightly.
In the potting mix it should be effective for several months, (estimated up to about 4-6 months) slowly releasing the Neem properties.
Likewise the Neem Granules can be used in soil assist the control of soil insects at the rate of 50-100 grams per square metre.
I would suggest that the soil-life period to be shorter than in potting mix as the soil micro-organisms will break the product down faster.
(Estimated about 1-3 months)
When planting or sowing seeds, you can work the granules into the top 10cm of soil and likewise around plants with problems or ones you wish to protect.
An organic control, in my mind, for Root Mealy Bug, Galls and other soil insects.
For Grass Grub sprinkle the granules over the lawn at the rate of 50 grams per square metre and water to settle to the soil. Ensure that areas where damage has occurred and near those areas, are especially treated as the adult females lay their eggs back where they emerge.
Best times for treating is would be in the autumn when the ground is softening up with the autumn rains and the grubs are near the surface feeding.
This is likely to be about April/May. Mow lawns prior to application.
I would be interested to hear from Gardeners to the results they have with Neem Granules.