Perkfecion for Roses and other plants
PerK; Organic First Aid Kit for Plants
DISCLAIMER: Gardening information and articles found in these pages are written by Wally Richards (Gardening Columnist)
They are compiled from his own experiences gardening and information gathered from other gardeners over the years.
The articles may mention uses of gardening products that may or may not be registered for the purposes mentioned.
They are supplied for you to make your own personal judgements on their validity.
Wally Richards
If you have ideas that will also help other gardeners in their endeavors, please relay them to the writer.
ALL ABOUT Perkfection For Roses and Other Plants
The active ingredients are synthetic substances that are
replicas of natural organic compounds.
The main mode of action Perkfection has, is to trigger the
production of a phytoalexin within the diseased plant.
Phytoalexins are natural plant toxins which assist
the plant in its fight to overcome the invading pathogen.
Perkfection has been likened to a natural product assisting
in the natural curing process of the affected plant.
It is biochemical in action.
Being a "tonic"; Perfection is going to appeal to a lot of
gardeners that wish to avoid toxic sprays with their
associated dangers and withholding periods.
Recognised by Organic growing groups overseas, the Perkfection formulation
is non poisonous and non corrosive, likewise any residue
in treated produce. This makes Perkfection safe to use and it
will not adversely affect birds, animals, fish, insects
and soil micro organisms.
Perkfection is readily absorbed into the plant through leaves,
trunk and roots. Highly mobile, moving upwards and
downwards through the whole plant.
Perkfection is also compatible with common garden sprays.
I often recommend that a little plant food is added to
sprays to 'perk up' the treated plants.
Perkfection is mixed at the rate of 5 mls per litre for plants that are
showing signs of ill health and for protection against diseases..
When spraying Perkfection, spray to wet the foliage and use Raingard in the tankmix.
Re-apply 2 weekly to monthly or at longer periods as the plant's health indicates.
As Perkfection helps plants to recover from rot root and collar
rot, it is beneficial at this time of the year when
excessive moisture in the soil causes many losses
to the home gardener.
Perkfection is a long lasting protector, so when it is known
that plants are in a disease affected area, a preventive
program of treatment is advisable.
There is no point of treating plants that are dormant as
there is no sap movement to spread Perfection through the
plant, application should be made while foliage is present
and there is active growth.
Plants suffering from root rot and have lost too much of their root system prior
to treatment are unlikely to recover.
Rhododendrons often show signs of stress with drooping
foliage when their roots are being affected by too much
Suggested plants to treat include, roses, fruit trees, citrus,
ornamentals, lawns,cymbidium orchids, grapes, tomatoes,
vegetables, passion fruit, potatoes,cucurbits, strawberries
and daphnes.
Proteas must be treated very early.
Ideally protective policies should be made prior to any
disease attack or at the very early signs of problems.
Excellent to use on pot plants and container plants
once a month with your watering especially during the cooler
months. Use on Rex begonias, african violets and rubber trees.
Perkfection is going to give the home gardener many advantages
as it will help produce healthier plants that are more
disease resistant, a reduction in sprays and
savings in not having to replace so many lost plants.
Since writing the above it has being found that
Perkfection can help with Silverleaf..
*Perfection is a tradename of Key Industries Ltd, Auckland.
Distributed in New Zealand by Garden Enterprises
and Information Ltd. P.O. Box 489 Palmerston North.
Phone Fax 06 3570606.
Many areas in New Zealand have a high instance of the disease Silverleaf.
The problem occurs in stone and pip fruit trees, roses and some ornamentals. The
disease once noticed by the 'silvering' of leaves in the trees progresses over
time to affect more and more of the tree or bush until the plant succumbs and
In the past there has not being any effective controls other than removal of effected branches hoping to reduce or eliminate the disease.
Often trees and bushes are effected by the disease for some time prior to the first visible signs of the silver leaves.
The disease which is air borne enters the plant through cuts or damaged branches, most likely to happen at pruning
time when there are many open wounds.
Gardeners that grow roses and fruit trees should be very concerned about the disease and safe guard their beloved plants.
Roses and fruit trees take time to mature and become established members of the garden; their demise costs not only
time and money.
It was found that applications of Perkfection in the Autumn assists the roots of plants and in the spring assists the trunk and foliage of plants
I would suggest that gardeners that are concerned about their roses and fruit
trees should implement a spraying program using Perkfection. The product is regarded
as being organic and in keeping with nature.
Perkfection helps the plants to fight off the invading diseases by strengthening their
immune systems.
Products such as this are becoming very popular with both
commercial and domestic growers because the products are not regarded as toxic
or harmful to the planet.
To order go to Mail order here
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